Tuesday, October 30, 2007

In the interest of providing some background, here's an introduction to my life, in phrases, and explanations too:

-- part-time photographer (you can find our work at Reversed Lens Photography)
-- part-time student (finishing a double degree in psychology and social sciences-- I am determined to finish!) and also admin for a local Jewish non-profit
-- full-time mom to , who was born in April 2006, and who dominates my time and heart space. She is one crazy baby and constantly makes me smile, even when her antics are just as big as her personality.
-- married to , the man who I have loved, and even liked, for more than a decade--that is to say that there were times in the past that the like was not so strong, but the love endured and somehow, we ended up together, going on three years married.

On with the story: I'm sometimes perky, sometimes bitchy, attempting chill but rarely fully achieving that state, except when I get time to myself or am in a space where nature or art or anything organic can play with my sensibilities; often sweet, but only to people I trust; perhaps a little too artsy, and definitely too anal about the cleanliness/style quotient of my house; wholly believing in life after death (I miss my dad more than I know how to say); a complete and total bookworm, in the literal sense--I fairly devour them; musically oriented, with perhaps schizophrenic tastes ie everything from folksy 70's (you go back to the familiar, and my parents were hippies) to more current indie stuff, though I definitely lean toward what my husband calls "soft"; ruminative; verbose--this you will see when trying to wade through my "summaries"; community minded and intensely involved in one cause or another at any given time, though I'm tending to lean now towards local involvement rather than national, and social rather than political (I'm still a campaign season junkie, though, and inhale political dialogue like air); deeply faithful and spiritual, but often in a rather off-beat way, which means that I'm sometimes highly intolerant of those who do things "because that's what I'm SUPPOSED to do" rather than because they feel something, and also that I feel too much for nearly everyone because somehow, I love them anyway. Really, I'm just a simple, uncomplicated mix of all of the people that I've loved and that have loved me. And those loves are complicated, and those influences are more convoluted than I could ever begin to explain. But boiled down, I'm just me. And I'm happy with that.

I try to post frequently, but when life gets out of hand, there are gaps in what gets recorded in a written medium. Please be patient with my lapses.

Note: Our family uses pseudonyms on our journals. If you know us in real life, or even just happen to know our names, please do not use them when commenting.

Also of note: My photography is copyrighted. All rights reserved for yours truly.