Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Daily Photo: Tired but happy

A shot of me, post-dinner, in my new favorite shirt.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Daily Photo: Unphotogenic substitute

I should be posting some bucolic image from the picturesque Lewis and Clark College campus, which I visited today when I went for an informational interview about their grad programs. But alas, I forgot my camera. So you get a brochure.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Daily Photo: The silent whine

My husband, looking a remarkable amount like his daughter.

Daily Photo: Sweet finishes

My husband is a smart man. We watched Throwdown with Bobby Flay this weekend, and the item they were making was cheesecake. They actually made this cheesecake, which I will probably be trying to mimic at some point, though I'll probably use ganache instead of frosting.

But I digress. We'd talked about cheesecake a few times since; we probably would have made some on Sunday if we'd had cream cheese. Last night, he went to the store to pick up milk while I put the baby to sleep. When he returned, he said, "Oh, and I have a surprise!" and pulled a mini-cheesecake and strawberries out of the bag. It was a brilliant move.

Oh, and he bought chocolate milk too. I love this man.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Daily Photo: It's a party

OK, so I know that I'll tell this wrong because I'm bad at punchlines, but... We've had a joke for a while that it's always not a party until someone removes their pants, and that person is always our daughter. She just loves shedding her bottoms. Today was no exception.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Daily Photo: I think she likes it

Today was Chie's first birthday party. She doesn't get a lot of sugar and was overjoyed to be digging into this mini banana cake.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Daily Photo: Baby hands

The day was entirely too beautiful to be inside and so Gus and I made the kids come out and play. Chie still needed to nap, though, and so she copped out on the lawn. I took the opportunity to take macros of her appendages.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Daily Photo: Daddy's girl

Gus and I grilled tonight and each time that he went onto the deck, Chie erupted. Apparently she was in a Daddy Mood. She was thrilled when he made faces at her through the glass.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Daily Photo: Welcome to the party

No, of course this isn't a recent picture. But given today it seemed fitting.

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Daily Photo: A leg up

She's getting to be quite the climber. Her entire body is a blur but that's not a new thing. Anything that's high that she can get a leg or foot up on is fair game: our headboard, the armoire (shown here) and who knows what else. She even tries to climb me but thankfully, I don't have leg rests.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Daily Photo: A Sonic moment

At the end of a day with the flu, the last thing that your body needs is Sonic. I'm still not sure what possessed me. But the mini road trip was fun.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Daily Photo: Just before the rain

We went on one hummer of a walk after Conference today. Being inside all day, listening to talk after talk, somehow made us a bit stir crazy. So we tromped through the West Hills, took a few too many uphill turns, and came home thoroughly exhausted. But there were pretty flowers along the way.