Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We're slogging our way through the photos. I understand now why, even when it's your full-time job, getting the proofs out for a wedding takes a few weeks. We started with 1150 photos! Even with the first cull, we're just below 500 to look through/process in Lightroom/upload. It's a LOT of work, and it happens when Chie is napping and/or asleep for the night so that the two of us can actually do it together. We've got the actual ceremony up now, though, so that his family can see that we're doing something. They haven't bugged us at all but if I were them, I'd be like, "Uh, do you have anything yet?" Hopefully, the rest can get processed in the next week or so. It's fun work but oh, is it work.

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